Source code for bolos.grid

""" Routines to handle different kinds of grids (linear, quadratic, logarithmic)
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

[docs]class Grid(object): """ Class to define energy grids. This class encapsulates the information about an energy grid. Parameters ---------- x0 : float Lowest boundary energy. x1 : float Highest energy boundary. n : float Number of cells Notes ----- This is a base class and you usually do not want to instantiate it directly. You can define new grid classes by subclassing this class and then defining an `f` method that maps energy to a new variable `y` that is divided uniformly. See Also -------- LinearGrid : A grid with linear spacings (constant cell length). QuadraticGrid : A grid with quadratic spacings (linearly increasing cell length). GeometricGrid : A grid with geometrically increasing cell lengths. LogGrid : A logarithmic grid. """ def __init__(self, x0, x1, n): self.x0 = x0 self.x1 = x1 = x1 - x0 self.fx0 = self.f(x0) self.fx1 = self.f(x1) self.n = n # Boundaries at i - 1/2 fx = np.linspace(self.fx0, self.fx1, self.n + 1) self.b = self.finv(fx) # centers self.c = 0.5 * (self.b[1:] + self.b[:-1]) # And these are the deltas self.d = np.diff(self.b) # This is the spacing of the mapped x self.df = fx[1] - fx[0] # This is useful in some routines that integrate eps**1/2 * f self.d32 = self.b[1:]**1.5 - self.b[:-1]**1.5 self._interp = None
[docs] def interpolate(self, f, other): """ Interpolates into this grid an eedf defined in another grid. Parameters ---------- f : array or array-like The original EEDF other : :class:`Grid` The old grid, where `f` is defined. Returns ------- fnew : array or array-like An EEDF defined in our grid. """ if self._interp is None: # Sould we extrapolate linearly instead od by closest value? self._interp = interp1d(np.r_[other.x0, other.c, other.x1], np.r_[f[0], f, f[-1]], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) return self._interp(self.c)
[docs] def cell(self, x): """ Returns the cell index containing the value x. Parameters ---------- x : float The value x which you want to localize. Returns ------- index : int The index to the cell containing x """ return int((self.f(x) - self.fx0) / self.df)
[docs]class LinearGrid(Grid): """ A grid with linear spacing. """
[docs] def f(self, x): return x
[docs] def finv(self, w): return w
[docs]class QuadraticGrid(Grid): """ A grid with quadratic spacing. """
[docs] def f(self, x): return np.sqrt(x - self.x0)
[docs] def finv(self, w): return w**2 + self.x0
[docs]class GeometricGrid(Grid): """ A grid with geometrically progressing spacing. To be more precise, here the length of cell i+1 is r times the length of cell i. """ def __init__(self, x0, x1, n, r=1.1): self.r = r self.logr = np.log(r) self.rn_minus_1 = np.exp(n * self.logr) - 1 super(GeometricGrid, self).__init__(x0, x1, n)
[docs] def f(self, x): return (np.log(1 + (x - self.x0) * self.rn_minus_1 / / self.logr)
[docs] def finv(self, w): return (self.x0 + * (np.exp(w * self.logr) - 1) / self.rn_minus_1)
[docs]class LogGrid(Grid): """ A pseudo-logarithmic grid. We add a certain s to the variable to avoid log(0) = -inf. The grid is actually logarithmic only for x >> s. """ def __init__(self, x0, x1, n, s=10.): self.s = s super(LogGrid, self).__init__(x0, x1, n)
[docs] def f(self, x): return np.log(self.s + (x - self.x0))
[docs] def finv(self, w): return np.exp(w) - self.s + self.x0
[docs]class AutomaticGrid(Grid): """ A grid set automatically using a previous estimation of the EEDF to fix a peak energy. """ def __init__(self, grid, f0, delta=1e-4): # We will create a new grid where the number of particles is roughly # the same inside each cell and the number of cells is the same as in # grid. # TODO: This is also calculated in the solver.BoltzmannSolver class cum = np.r_[0.0, np.cumsum(grid.d32 * f0)] # If we had integrated f0 exactly, cum[-1] would be 1. However it may # be slightly differentso we will renormalize here to prevent an error # when we interpolate for a number very close to 1.0. cum[:] = cum / cum[-1] interp = interp1d(cum, grid.b) nnew = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, grid.n + 1) self.n, self.x0, self.x1 = grid.n, grid.x0, grid.x1 self.b = interp(nnew) self.c = 0.5 * (self.b[1:] + self.b[:-1]) self.d = np.diff(self.b) self._interp = None
[docs]def mkgrid(kind, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds and returns a grid of class kind. Possible values are 'linear', 'lin', 'quadratic', 'quad', 'logarithmic', 'log'. """ GRID_CLASSES = {'linear': LinearGrid, 'lin': LinearGrid, 'quadratic': QuadraticGrid, 'quad': QuadraticGrid, 'geometric': GeometricGrid, 'geo': GeometricGrid, 'logarithmic': LogGrid, 'log': LogGrid} klass = GRID_CLASSES[kind] return klass(*args, **kwargs)