Source code for bolos.parser

""" This module contains the code required to parse BOLSIG+-compatible files.
To make the code re-usabe in other projects it is independent from the rest of
the BOLOS code.

Most user would only use the method :func:`parse` in this module, which is 
documented below.

import sys
import re
import numpy as np
import logging

[docs]def parse(fp): """ Parses a BOLSIG+ cross-sections file. Parameters ---------- fp : file-like A file object pointing to a Bolsig+-compatible cross-sections file. Returns ------- processes : list of dictionaries A list with all processes, in dictionary form, included in the file. Note ---- This function does not return :class:`process.Process` instances so that the parser is independent of the rest of the code and can be re-used in other projects. If you want to convert a process in dictionary form `d` to a :class:`process.Process` instance, use >>> process = process.Process(**d) """ processes = [] for line in fp: try: key = line.strip() fread = KEYWORDS[key] # If the key is not found, we do not reach this line. logging.debug("New process of type '%s'" % key) d = fread(fp) d['kind'] = key processes.append(d) except KeyError: pass"Parsing complete. %d processes read." % len(processes)) return processes # BOLSIG+'s user guide saye that the separators must consist of at least five dashes
RE_SEP = re.compile("-----+") def _read_until_sep(fp): """ Reads lines from fp until a we find a separator line. """ lines = [] for line in fp: if RE_SEP.match(line.strip()): break lines.append(line.strip()) return lines def _read_block(fp, has_arg=True): """ Reads data of a process, contained in a block. has_arg indicates wether we have to read an argument line""" target = if has_arg: arg = else: arg = None comment = "\n".join(_read_until_sep(fp)) logging.debug("Read process '%s'" % target) data = np.loadtxt(_read_until_sep(fp)).tolist() return target, arg, comment, data # # Specialized funcion for each keyword. They all return dictionaries with the # relevant attibutes. # def _read_momentum(fp): """ Reads a MOMENTUM or EFFECTIVE block. """ target, arg, comment, data = _read_block(fp, has_arg=True) mass_ratio = float(arg.split()[0]) d = dict(target=target, mass_ratio=mass_ratio, comment=comment, data=data) return d RE_ARROW = re.compile('<?->') def _read_excitation(fp): """ Reads an EXCITATION or IONIZATION block. """ target, arg, comment, data = _read_block(fp, has_arg=True) lhs, rhs = [s.strip() for s in RE_ARROW.split(target)] d = dict(target=lhs, product=rhs, comment=comment, data=data) if '<->' in target.split(): threshold, weight_ratio = float(arg.split()[0]), float(arg.split()[1]) d['weight_ratio'] = weight_ratio else: threshold = float(arg.split()[0]) d['threshold'] = threshold return d def _read_attachment(fp): """ Reads an ATTACHMENT block. """ target, arg, comment, data = _read_block(fp, has_arg=False) d = dict(comment=comment, data=data, threshold=0.0) lr = [s.strip() for s in RE_ARROW.split(target)] if len(lr) == 2: d['target'] = lr[0] d['product'] = lr[1] else: d['target'] = target return d KEYWORDS = {"MOMENTUM": _read_momentum, "ELASTIC": _read_momentum, "EFFECTIVE": _read_momentum, "EXCITATION": _read_excitation, "IONIZATION": _read_excitation, "ATTACHMENT": _read_attachment}